Wednesday, January 26, 2011

eight types of wedding as per sastras---source--MADHUVE-MADHURA BANDHANA-

scriptures talk about  eight types of weddings.[1-]-Brahma---most purest form of wedding,wherein the bride was given by her father to a man of character,learning, whom he invites voluntarily and receives him respectfully, and in turn groom will  not take anything in return[.2-]-arsa- in this brides father recieves a pair of cattle from bridegroom for certain use as ordained in sastras for some sacrifices.however it was not a price for the bride.[ 3-]--daiva---the bride was given as a sacrificial dues to a priest.-[-4]- prajapathya---in this form of wedding, the rights of bride and groom were secured. the groom approached the bride's father, who agrees to the marriage after fixing certain conditions. [5-]--asura--the groom's family gave money to the bride's family in return for the bride.[-6--]-raksasa---here the bride was captured by force and her relatives were killed or injured  also  this wedding was also perfomed without rituals.  [7-]-gandharva---this is a wedding between man and a woman with mutual consent and witout religious rituals.[--8-]-paisacha---a wedding performed while bride was asleep,unconscious,drugged, or mentally unstable and without religious rituals. this was the lowest form of marriage.. according to manusmriti, the first four kinds are appropriate in society. and often gave most fruitful results. the children born from such weddings were blessed with good looks,character,health, and satisfaction.-

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