Monday, January 31, 2011

saintly king kulashekara----[one of the twelve alwars of tamil nadu]

king kulashekara  lived more than thousand years in south india. his famous work mukunda mala talks about  the absolute truth which is supreme lord krishna. he talks about eternal truth, and how to seek lord. he talks about the relationship between lord and us. he says it's only the leelas of krishna and his keertans, which will  release us  from the disease of birth and death. even yogis has recommend  his name for the disease of samsara.  yajnavalkya  says the best medicine for understanding boundless eternal light  when drunk with devotion bestows complete and final liberation. just drink it  and enjoy. kulashekara starts with a prayer to lord.  oh! mukunda my lord  please let me become a constant reciter  of your name people address you as srivallabha(one who is dear to lakshmi) ,the bestow er of boons(vara), one who is merciful always, one  who is bhakta priya (dear to his devotees), and lastly,one who is plundering our repeated karma of birth and death.   he is natha (supreme lord), the lord who is sleeping on the serpent bed(naga shayana) ,jagnnivasa( the whole universe  is based on him). what is mukunda? in sanskrit not a word exist without meaning. it"s mukthim dadathi ethi mukunda ie  one who liberates us from the worries of birth /death.

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