Monday, March 21, 2011


VERSE;---ASTHI BHATHI, PRIYAM RUPAM, NAMACHETHYAMSHA PANCHAKHAM,ADYATHRAYAM BRAHMA RUPAM, JAGADRUPAM TADAHVAYAM------Well in physics if you want to know about any object, two factors are necessary.the subject and the object. where as in vedanta  we have five factors that are necessary to know any object. it's much deeper than science.(1) asthi----to know about the object' first there should be existence, otherwise you cannot see an object.(2)bhathi;----shines as  a particular object distinct from other objects. for example--A FAN- fans can easily be identified from all other objects. hence bhathi.(3)priyam:  if i talk about fan and your attention is somewhere else like in the sky, you will not know about the fan. hence it should be dear to you. then only you can see (4). RUPAM;----any object in the world should have form otherwise you cannot objectify. (5) NAMAM;---- NAME----every object should have a name. otherwise you will not know the object. hence nama. Thus five factors are existence,shining as object,dear to me, form and name.. in this first three factors asthi, bhathi, priyam, are the nature of Brahman, and the latter two factors namely nama rupam is the nature of jagath or world., which is in the sway of maya. name and form changes you see the world. but first three cannot be seen, but it,s the basis for your seeing the objects.

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