DAEAR FRIENDS, i have observed that world situation is not that good. either the-peace is destroyed by natural calamities sent by lord or man made calmities like which we have seen in Libya war and earth quakes of Japan. be it be any nation either the politician or natural forces are there to destroy' which only shows there are no permanent solutions to any situation.Hence what should we do to this situation when sometimes it can disturb us.My view is that we should go for our self improvement alone. Let world be under any situation that we cannot change' then it's better that we change our attitudes towards everybody. we shold have a smiling face' try to have inner peace through yoga and meditations which give a mental condition that will make us prepared to face any situation. Let us not be a weakling under any situation. better bve bold and face situations as it comes and goes.Let's take the world as a stage wherein many actors play roles that are supposed to be played by them and enjoy the drama rather than give a serious reality to drama seen by you. Enjoy any situation as we have really no control over either man made or natural calamities. i feel it's better to pray lord to to give peace both inner and outer world though in reality these are very small situations when compared to realisation of truth of self which is the greatest truth of all. Our shastras and a good guru can show the right path. lets try to find out that truth which is iimortal ie is your own atma or self.
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