Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Anantham anantham is the one that is  said in our vedas.this happiness does not have  a's limitless. it has no purpose unlike other happiness we derive from this outer world called vishayananda. it's born out of a particular vishaya, as long as the the object exists this vishayananda exists whereas if i have no purpose to achieve, then ananda ie manifested is real, as i always want to get something out of my seeking for my happiness from say a job, a degree, fame, etc wherein we after something ie based upon the impermanent things. sometimes i am happy for no reason. i did not pursue for any happiness, even then i was happy for there was no purpose. if i had any purpose , then my happiness is very limited. as having achieved the same, i will again go for some other material pleasures.There is no end for pursuit of our happiness. We have been doing the same mistake for years together. days, months,years pass bye still we are not happy. the problem is created by our own mind and it can be solved by you alone.our main difficulty is we want reason, why it's like this? IN SPIRITUAL TRUTH THERE IS NO REASON.truth happens. and it's dont have to search for ananda. you are ananda. atma is ever permanent it has no death. mind and body may die but atma is immortal.ananda that comes without any purpose is real annda, Earlier i had blogged about sath, and chith.  to day i had blogged about  ananda. although i talked about sat, chith, ananda, relly they are one and the same only. it's swarupa of atma or self. hence self is supreme.


chit is awareness.very often we are not aware about what's happening. for example  take our own breathing. generally we are not aware about our breath. but breathing takes place continuously.hence awareness is very important for your spiritual progress.normally as a jeeva[individual]  suppose we are in the temple we are worried about home, like whether i have closed the gas or door of the house e.t.c. which means we are not aware of the present, like when in temple you are supposed to pray to god. but since i am not in the present moment i am worried about the future. with a net result that i cannot  get any satisfaction whatsoever.neither in the temple nor in the home. what's important is to live in the present moment, then only your actions are fruitful. anyway knowledge also happens at a  particular moment only. even if we search for truth for many years, it clicks only at a particular moment. hence that moment or awareness is the truth. also if i think about even my death, say suppose i think say after 20 or 30 years, literally every day i am dying since worried  abut my death. however if i am ready to die any moment' then i am not at all worried since i am ready at any moment. what i want to say be aware of all unpleaseant things also, it should not disturb us. we should be aware of both good and bad.


that which is permanent is called sath. our shasthras say that  while we see so many things in the universe, actually it is jadam[inert]. so whenever we prepare our bio-data- firstly we give our name. secondly age, qualifications, experience, e.t.c. but really speaking none of these are permanent. even people change their names, age also increases even after ur biodatas are given as u do'nt get jobs immediately.u may be adding qualifications, experience change with no of years, so none of them is permanent. hence we update the biodatas very often, but one thing does not change, that i does not change. as everything revolves round ur own self. this i from ur childhood to ur old age remains the same. it does not age, it is beyond time and space. hence it,s immortal. self does not have change. it  is ever permanent. therefore it's satyam. it is present in all  times ie yesterday ,today and tomorrow. we search for those happiness based upon what we see in the world. that's why we are unhappy to get real happiness. if u inquire into ur self u wll attain permanent happiness ie  called Ananda. but ananda cannot be obtained without awareness, ie chit.we shall about this later.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vedanta: Vedanta: Jon Higgins - Govardana Giridhari - Darba...

Vedanta: Vedanta: Jon Higgins - Govardana Giridhari - Darba...: "Vedanta: Jon Higgins - Govardana Giridhari - Darbari Kanada..."

Vedanta: Jon Higgins - Govardana Giridhari - Darbari Kanada...

Vedanta: Jon Higgins - Govardana Giridhari - Darbari Kanada...

Jon Higgins - Govardana Giridhari - Darbari Kanada

Anthar bahischita sarvam, vyapya narayana stitaha.

This is a verse from Narayana suktham.Narayana is antharyami[one who resides inside] which means he is the consciousness.He is also outside you in each and every jeevas{bahischita sarvam]. he is manifested [vyaptham] in and through every object. In fact he is existence, due to which all objects are seen by you.That is the reason why Bheeshma addressed partha or Arjuna and told him that i can see Krishna externally just as any body else ie in every object i see him. but really he is in the cave of my heart, which means narayana is atma. he is immrotal , he is not bound by time or space. he was always there, will be there and is there always.since BAHEESHMA was hihly realised soul, he waited till Uttarayana to cast away his body, knowing fully that krishna is the supreme reality.

Monday, March 21, 2011


VERSE;---ASTHI BHATHI, PRIYAM RUPAM, NAMACHETHYAMSHA PANCHAKHAM,ADYATHRAYAM BRAHMA RUPAM, JAGADRUPAM TADAHVAYAM------Well in physics if you want to know about any object, two factors are necessary.the subject and the object. where as in vedanta  we have five factors that are necessary to know any object. it's much deeper than science.(1) asthi----to know about the object' first there should be existence, otherwise you cannot see an object.(2)bhathi;----shines as  a particular object distinct from other objects. for example--A FAN- fans can easily be identified from all other objects. hence bhathi.(3)priyam:  if i talk about fan and your attention is somewhere else like in the sky, you will not know about the fan. hence it should be dear to you. then only you can see (4). RUPAM;----any object in the world should have form otherwise you cannot objectify. (5) NAMAM;---- NAME----every object should have a name. otherwise you will not know the object. hence nama. Thus five factors are existence,shining as object,dear to me, form and name.. in this first three factors asthi, bhathi, priyam, are the nature of Brahman, and the latter two factors namely nama rupam is the nature of jagath or world., which is in the sway of maya. name and form changes you see the world. but first three cannot be seen, but it,s the basis for your seeing the objects.

war situation in libya.

DAEAR FRIENDS, i have observed that world situation is not that good. either the-peace is destroyed by natural calamities sent by lord or man made calmities like which we have seen in Libya war and  earth quakes of Japan. be it be any nation either the politician or natural forces are there to destroy' which only shows there are  no permanent solutions to any situation.Hence what should we do to this situation when sometimes it can disturb us.My view is that we should go for our self improvement alone. Let world be under any situation that we cannot change' then it's better that we change our attitudes towards everybody. we shold have a smiling face' try to have inner peace through yoga and meditations which give a mental condition that will make us prepared to face any situation. Let us not be a weakling under any situation. better bve bold and face situations as it comes and goes.Let's take the world as a stage wherein many actors play roles that are supposed to be played by them and enjoy the drama rather than give a serious reality to drama seen by you. Enjoy any situation as we have really no control over either man made or natural calamities. i feel it's better to pray lord to to give peace both inner and outer world though in reality these are very small situations when compared to realisation of truth of self which is the greatest truth of all. Our shastras and  a good guru can show the right path. lets try to find out that truth which is iimortal ie is your own atma or self.


verse from KATHA UPANISHAD ;  Om sahanavavathu; sahanau bhunaktu; sahaviryam karavavahai; Tejaswinavadhitamastu; ma vidvisavahai ,Om santih'santih. santih----------------  Om, may Brahman protect us[teacher and student] both. May Brahman                                 nourish us both. May we both acquire energy (as a result of thus study.)May we both become illumined(by the study)May we not hate each other. om. peace. peace. peace.  This peace invocation havinspired thousands of teachers and students engaged in pursuit of knowledge and excellence of character for thousands of years. it is a co-operative effort of both teacher and student. the invocation  expresses the idea of education as the achievement of knowledge and excellence of character in the context of a harmonious relationship between teacher and student.The giving and recieving of knowledge leads to remake the man depending on the stimulus of guru-shishya relationship.The teachert gives and sdtudent recieves not only ideas and informations but inspiration as well.In reality  teacher and student are peronalities.Education, according to our sages is lighting of one lamp from another lamp.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Dear guys, i have to inform u all that heat is very much unbearable, sometimes it touches 38 degree celicious. it seems rainy season also will be severe. there is enough heat due to global warming. now how to tackle? there should be water harvesting in each and every colonies or big societies. it makes the ground wet and keep the soil in good condition for plants to grow, so that enogh green trees are there   to keep the atmosphere  in fine condition

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Dear guys, when i am back to India i find all things have become costly.veggies,oils,fruits and all the food products  arehooting vertically. gone are the days of simple living. now every body,wether pauper or millianare all wants  to poor are asking why i should not enjoy? so costs are sky rocketting. but one good  thing that economists  are fully confident is about our youthful population. we do have millions of people who are in the bracket of 15-to 20 years. they can contribute alot in the labour sector. there is no shortage of labour. u can hire for any project very easily. our education schools have improved in quality and in quantities. many are investing in education, with a net result  that terachers do have a high demand in any state in India, which itself is a good sign. however we should learn a lot of discipline from other nations. we are v. poor in discipline. so if  we improve in self discipline i feel we are competent to face any challenge. already there are nearly 20 billionares in the world econmic surveys. hence we can become devolped nation if we are sinciere. now the question is are we?

Friday, March 11, 2011


New jersey  is a busy city with criss-cross roadways. you can find many a concentration of gujeratis and other indians. if you are in n.j you will never miss india. in n.j i was with satish from dec. to march at his sea caucus residence. this was very helpful for me, for i was able to pass my time very easily, specially roaming around riverbed along with mr. tiwary  who like me had come from india. we were mostly at library or going for walks together. n.j has many Hindu temples. i  visited all the temple except n.y. temples. i couldn't go since always there were nine snow storms and temps were always below 0 deg. However  i could really enjoy my stay due to lord's mercy. i  am starting on 12th march and reach mumbai on 13th.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Dear friends, i have to inform you all that my wife's ist shraddham was done at stroudsburgh at Pennsylvania,  at sringeri sharadha devi temple. the functions went of just as normally being done in india. learned priests are available in U.S.There is a separate building  near the temple wherein shraddha karmas are done. MY children[both vaidyanathan and narayanan] and their wives  were very much involved, and the functions went of smoothly. i am thankful to many of my relations and friends, without  their blessings it would not be possible to do the karmas. thanks to one and all.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dakshina moorthi stotram----[meaning of 5TH VERSE]

Deham pranamapeendriyanyapi chalam buddhim cha shunyam viduhu, sthree balandajadopamasthavahamithi brantha brusham vadinaha, maya shakthi vilasa kalpithamaha vyamoha samharine, thasmye shree gurumurthaye namaitham shree dakshinamurthaye!                  My prostration to the divine Teacher,sri Dakshinaoorthy, one who removes all the terrible misconceptions, created by the deluding play of Maya-in those who are intellectually innocent  as a woman-child-blindd-idiot and consider their body or prana as the reality,or their senses or their ever-changing  intellect or as mere void(shunya) and through error(misconception)--declare them to be the only reality.   A subtle intellect, suppoted by urge for spiritual quest and pure heart alone can expect sucess therein  and hope to achieve the goal of knowing the eternal truth of supreme reality.