Friday, December 31, 2010

atmaikya bodha

the word aikya is  used when two things are brought together. but aikya really as per sastra, means ekasya bhavaha,oneness. there is only one self. between jeewa and jeewa  is no diff..between jeewa and jagat, there is no diff.between jeewa and iswara there is no diff.  knowledge of this oneness or nondiff. is called  atmaikya bodha.but this expressions generally used for the knowledge of the oneness jeewa and iswara,the jagat being non separate from iswara. freedom or liberation is not accomplished  without the knowledge of oneness of the self with Brahman. atmaikya  bandhena vina vimukthih, na sidhyathi. you may keep doing all the karmic activities for a very long time,for the tenure of one hundred brahmajis,still moksha is not note that brahmaji,s tenure extends from the beginning of the creation till it,s dissolution,when new creation begins,brahmaji gets replaced.sastra here says even if we keep doing activities for the tenure of  a hundred brahmajis still one cannot accomplish moksha without the knowledge of oneness of the self with brahman.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


one  of the world,s oldest system of medicine in fact is thousands of years old. its older than Chinese medicine. it tackles three doshas namely vata, pittha, and kapha.. Ayurveda or life science deals with the treatment at all  levels like aroma therapy, sound therapy,vibrational energy therapy, and yogic defines health as not only absence of disease but also  a complete physical,mental, emotional,social, and spiritual  state wherein life becomes easier to tackle worldly problems.Ayurveda was  a study in medicine by ancient sages thousands of years before. sometimes when other medicines fails Ayurveda   reaches the field to  cure at any stage. since its based on the plants and herbs it acts naturally to man, without side effects which is unique in Ayurveda. a good Ayurveda specialist starts a treatment after seeing the auspicious time  for   a patient. generally will not start on a amavasya day. this is done in the interest of  the patient, so that treatment must start on a auspicious day.Lord Danvanthari  is the god worshiped by  Ayurveda  specialists.

about japa

what is japa?. many do japa, but do not know what it is.its said that" jakaro janma vichheda, pakaro papa nashanaha." the letter ja indicates in sanskrit janma. one who is born.which  means death is also certain.which is a common knowledge. therefore we are in the in the cycle of births and deaths. but do we have  a hope from this samsara. shasthra says "janma vichedaha. cut this bond of janana marana(births and deaths) through removing ur sinful actions(papa nashanaha) we cannot say confidently say i  am not doing papa. when even during a japa, if i kill a mosquito withot my knowledge, thru reflex actions i have to undergo karma phala. everybody has to own up ones own  karmapala. mother 'fater'wife'husband cannot own up ones own karma. here shasthra says u pray and repeat lord's names. first its mecanical, later when i repeat lord's name remains in  my subconscius mind. and it comes naturally. when i am immersed in japa, my evil thoughts also dies away gradually. till it disappears totally, over a period of time.although many peoplle think japa is only repeatition of lords name. but not so.. it really evolves u in searching of supreme reality.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

importance of guru

guru   is the one who removes  ignorance.. even  if   we read shasthras  n  no; of times. we may not get a clear picture. since we look thru a limited knowledge. however when we approach our guru  because of his clear vision of shasthras. he makes it easier for us to  read between the lines of verses or manthras.. but guru kripa is obtained only  thru seva. when we serve the guru for  a period of time, out of compassion, he tries to remove  our ignorance,it's said guru is eashwra,atma, god. etc since he clears all the doubts of his shishyas. but to get a good guru  is again lord's blessing. without his blessing one cannot get a good teacher also. hence lets serve our gurus with utmost devotion ,so that shasthras  wiill be clear for us to understand.

Friday, December 24, 2010

brahmavith brahmaiva bhavathi

the subject matter  is often quoted upanishadic statement. the meaning is one who wants to know brahman is brahman.i can quote an example often we keep spects on the forehead, and go on searching for the same. i blame everybody in my house in my search. till a small child of the house tells me hey grandpa, spects is on ur forehead. i check and keep quiet. now i have realised, what a big fool i was? can i complain about my foolishness to others now? i cannot. since a new knowledge has doned on me. the samething  happens for a jeeva when he approaches  a teacher to know about atma, he  says u are the brahman that u are  searching  for. now the student  knows about brahman. having known brahman, he realises what big fool he was earlier. now he never blames. he remains silent and revels in atmagnyanam. before i was searching the brahman. now i realise, i am brahman.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


dear guys, fear in this world is quite common. rarely people say i dont fear. now what is fear? fear is something other than me. i fear  my exam, i fear my sickness. i fear a stronger person. when i am weak i fear. when there are two things we fear. this in sanskrit is dwandhwa bhava. or duality. if there is only one  entity i don't fear. but this world is of plurality. well if u really  have knowledge ofre the worldly things i need not fear. hence to face this material world itself knowledge is to know truth about all pervading satyam or brahman knowledge of self helps. knowing self alone, everything else is known.  if there is only one brahman or conscience there need not be any fear,  hence brahman is the only reality.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

akashath patitham thoyam

akashath patitham thoyam yata gacchati sagaram, sarva deva namaskaraha, keshavam pratigachhati. this is  a popular  manthra from upanishat. just as  water falls from the skies,water may collect in the wells, lakes, rivers and finally has to flow towards the sea similarly whichever god u may worship the prayer flows towards keshava . any worship u do  it finally reaches krishna alone. this shows universality of krishna .krishna is supreme.

thath thwam asi

thath thwam asi is  a maha vakhya from samaveda. thath= that, thwam=you, asi= is.{this is the word meaning}literally it means u are that brahman. now what is common between thath the brahman and thwam(u) is  asi  shabdha. asi  literally means  is. which means existence. therefore    u are dependent on existence and brahman(thath) also depends on existence. since both of them  depends on  asi. what is real is conscience or asi. since both brahman  and u are  dependent on conscience, this real. conscience always exists  even if jeeva dies. brahman never dies. . jeevatwam is due to our avidhya that conquers us and  we feel we are a limited entity. in reality both jeeva and brahman  is  same since consciencesness is the reality. maha vakhya makes u to understand that u are really brahman. thus mahavakhya leads u to supreme reality the brahman

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


narada bhakthi sutra   defines bhakthi as   saa paramaprema bhakthi , yatha, vraja gopikanam. u know one must surrender unto the lord{ur ishta devatha},just as gopikas did surrender unto lord krishna at vraja bhoomi. surrender means giving up ur kartruthwam ie  doership. that i am the doer of my worldly actions instead  i take it this way. lord  is the kartha, and i  am a nimitha or an instrument. its he who makes me to do an action. and the results are also as per his orders. result may be good,bad, or even negative. i as  a jeeva, accept the results and accept  the same with prasada budhhi.. here for gopis of vraja bhoomi krishna is the jagatpathi and not their husbands. husband is only pathi. lord krishna is jagatpadhi.therefore surrendering to the supreme lord one can overcome the samsara sukha-dukkha{worldly happiness and sorrows}its the highest form of bhakthi when u forget ur mind/bodyconscienceness.its total surrender unto the lord. narada is  the highest authority of bhakthi. his suthra is called narada bhakthisutra

Monday, December 20, 2010


mithya   is called  anirvachaneeya  in sanskrit  .which means  this cannot be explained in one sigle shot.very difficult to understand  thru words. has to be understood thru examples. let us take the example of my shirt. do u see the form is it exists or not. it does exists. is it real? no not real, since it depends upon name and form.the name shirt and its form{nama and rupa} it really depends on the fibreness or the fibre is the basis.and name and form of the shirt isbase on the this is mithya.mithya is apparent reality which means its not satyam it exists allright. butdepends on another reality or basis. therefore whatever we see in the world is mithya

Friday, December 17, 2010

advaita as per adishankara.

in advaita or monysm there is only one conscience. for example take a glass full of water.take a pot full of water, take well  water, then a lake water, then a river water, then a sea water. here what is common is water.hence waterness is the satyam. we see the world thru name and form which is really a maya. in fact a projection. due to avidya. we feel we are jeeva again due to avidya. shankara says in reality u are that brahman. ther is only one consciousness in the world.  advaita establishes the relation between jeeva and Brahman. pl refer aham brahmasmi. here i the jeeva and the Brahman depends upon asmi the existence. it connects both jeeva with brahman. therefore existence  is common for both jeeva and brahman. hence everything in the universe is nothing but brahman alone.  this brahma vada is advaita.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

शुभ रात्री 



VIDHA VEDHU is TO KNOW IN SANSKRIT. TO KNOW WHAT? IS THE NEXT QUERY.WELL ALL THE MATERIAL KNOWLEDGE CAN BE KNOWN  IF WE TAKE EFFORTS. SAY  U ARE EXPERT IN  MATHS U MIGHT BE ABLE TO SOLVE EASIER THAN ME HOWEVER IF I TAKE TO LEARN I CAN BECOME AN EXPERT,  over  a period of time. which means material  knowledge can be known if i struggle  for a period of time. but knowledge about self is the most difficult one. our vedas talks about self which is nothing but conscience which is the basis of all knowledge. therefore knowing about the self everything ts known as well. as all the subjects are based on conscience alone. then antha means end. since the knowledge about atman comes in the latter portion of vedas. its called vedanta. karma kanda which is earlier portion is also talked  about by the vedas. however jnyana  kanda that deals with knowledge is coming after the description of karmakanda. therefore it is aptly called vedanta.