Saturday, January 8, 2011

pain of death

people in the age of kali keep their eyes closed to the truth. one has to do little vichara on the phenomenon called death.the word janma means birth as well as death. ja stands for janma or stands for marana or its clear that once you are born death is sure, whether i like it or not.also any created entity has death, since it is within the realms of time and space.if you analyze death its  a matter that cannot be avoided. let me give a few examples in our own life. i was a child when born, i became a youth when i passed eighteen.which means my childhood died. i became a grihastha when i was a youth. i enjoyed my  family life for quite some time and i became old , again a death for my youthfulness. grihasthaashrama ended when i was old. no way i can avoid death. it follows me like my shadow whether i like or not. can i avoid this? yes i can if i leave my attachment to my mind and body.why then  so much fear about death?pl think.if i have attachment i am not ready to loose. if i detach from my thinking processes i am ready to let go.if one can be a witness of both attachments and detachments, then my fear disappears. a detached attitude makes death entirely different experience..meaningless dreams,desires and attachments in the old age will make the last days of such people  miserable and make it worse than hell. that is the reason why one should be contemplative and meditative in will give us a capacity to go deeper into various experiences of life and makes it easier. avoid painful death by transcending attachments and detachments. be a witness of both likes and dislikes like a yogi. one can then avoid painful death or  engage yourself in bhakthi or devotion towards your ishtadevata or favorite lord.cross the world of birth and death through jnayana or bhakthi. adishankara says  bhaja govidham, bhaja govindham, govindham baja mootamathe, samprapthe sannihithe kale, na hi na hi rakshati dukrut karane. pray unto govinda, you fool, grammar will not help you in your last days. only govinda can help you from this smsara of birth and death.

1 comment:

  1. The statement is very true:
    "if i have attachment i am not ready to loose. if i detach from my thinking processes i am ready to let go.if one can be a witness of both attachments and detachments, then my fear disappears. a detached attitude makes death entirely different." This can be achieved only by practising from younger age so one can control the mind at an old age. How to console when you loose your child at an young age say eg. in an accident or critical illness. Since that is quite common in the current enviornment.
    can you throw some light on that?
