Wednesday, January 19, 2011

three basic texts----prasthana thrayee

prasthana means basic texts. three basic texts of vedanta are upanishads,bhagavat geeta and brahmasutra. together they are called prasthana thraya. of these,[1]-- upanishads constitutes shruti prasthana(reavealed texts)Sruti means that which is to be heard, that which is revealed.vedanta is the name given to them. because they are the end(aim as well as concluding parts) of the veda.(vedanta)[-2-]-the second text is bhagavat is given a status which is almost equal to that of occupies a unique place of vedanta tradition.. in fact a popular verse compares the upanishads  as cows,bhagavatgeeta as milk, lord krisna as milkman,arjuna as calf  and the wise people to the partakers of milk. adi shankara describes bhagavatgeeta  as the essence of the teachings of entire veda.(samastha vedartha sarasangraha bhutam). as this text forms a part of mahabaratha, which is a smrithi(to be remembered), it is called smrithi prasthana.-[-3-]--brahmasutra is a nyaya(logical) prasthana, because it gives teachings of vedanta in a logical order.this work is also called vedanta sutra,bhikshu sutra, since who are most competent to study it are the sanyasins. it is also known as uttaramimamsa sutra, since it is an inquiry into final sections of vedas. the author of brahmasutra is vedavyasa, who codified the vedas.

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