Wednesday, February 2, 2011

the saffron cloth of sanyasins----a hindu tradition

saffron indicates the inner attainment of the goal which one wants to reach. it indicates one who is not interested in worldly is an open declaration that one is dedicated to lord and realization of the means body and mind are consumed by vairagya[detachment] and one does not belong to any nation,caste or creed,sect, or religion.however cloth is only a symbol that indicate a state of non attachment.. the snyasin's inner change of attitudes that are important. in that state they do not expect or demand anything from anyone. in sanyas one should totally give up ones own ego. sanyasi is one who realizes. kashaya that everything is brahman(supreme consciousness). kashaya indicates pure knowledge that can burn down the ignorance. snyasi has to detach himself from relations. for him there is no sukha or dukha. he is free from dualities. not supposed to complain about hot or cold sanyasi either has to teach,or learn  from sastras everyday.he symbolizes the truth. sanyasi  cannot hurt anybody through mind,body, or actions. above all he should be nonviolent.there are various types of sanyasa like vidvat sanyasa, vivideesha sanyasa, apatsanyasa  e.t.c. since sanyasis have given up the worldly  attachments it is the duty of society to sustain them and take their  blessings, since they represent the real knowledge.

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