Friday, February 18, 2011

yoga and it's importance

yoga is derived from it's root yujir in Sanskrit' which means to merge or join or's the union of individual soul with eternal reality or supreme truth. this was practiced in India nearly for ten thousand years. Yoga frees our life's sorrows and prevents diseases and fluctuations of the gives us composure and inward unity in various life's the art of knowing one self and knowing the eternal's also the study of body,mind and intellect. it's  a way of life,wherein arts and science meet.Sage Patanjali attributed eight limbs to yoga[Ashtanga Yoga] that are inter dependant but all leads to  one goal.THESE ARE [1]Yama----conduct towards others (social discipline)---[2]Niyama---conduct towards oneself or individual discipline.[3]Asana---practice of poses(physical discipline)---[4]pranayama---the breath control (mental discipline)--[5] prathyahara--withdrawal of senses(discipline of senses)-[6] Dharana---concentration of particular object. [7]DHYANA----MEDITATION [8] SAMADHI----SELF REALIZATION-----the absence or sickness of any one limb leads to health problems.

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