Sunday, June 26, 2011


IN Hindu tradition there are several ways of deeksha or initiation. dekksha is given by guru except in case of one of the mantra deeksha ie Gayatri usually. mantra deeksa can also be given by GURU. student has to repeat this mantra for several years daily to understand the trufh that,s mentioned in our sastras.nayana deeksa is given through just by mere glance of guru. this also called nayana deeksa.or matsya deeksa. fishes lays eggs in the river and goes for swim in search of their food. meanwhile it just gives a glance towards, it,s eggs. and the young ones hatch out, sucessfully. another deeksa is kukuta deeksa or  sparsa deeksa. wherein hen sits on the eggs gives them warmth and young ones hatch out. then thre is smarana deeksa like that of the tortoise. tortoise lays eggs on shores and goes into the sea. later it just thinks what will happen to the eggson the shore? will they get food? tortise by  merely  thinking alone the young one hatch out. then there is pada deeksa . one can get deeksa through guru,s pada or legs. in case of SAINT KABIRDAS HE GOT PADA DEEKSA FROM HIS TEACHER  swami Ramananda. kabir thought  a wonderful way to get pada deeksa of guru. his teacher used to take bath in  Ganges at early hours it was ptch dark. kabir slept on the footstepos of  Ganga. guru trampled upon  Kbir and said  SHIVA-SHIVA! immediately thanked swamiji and wrote several poems or dohas which is valued till today.This does not mean other deeksas cannot be given. several gurus decides his own way of deeksa to his disciple.   incidently Totakacharya  recieved sparsa deeksa from his teacher ADI SHANKARA. This shows our  Guru shishya parampara was always intact in hindu tradition.

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